And You might wanna c my history of MELTRICK twits: (http://twilog.org/MELTRICK)

【NEW/OLD Melt-Reviewcomendations.】

【NEW/OLD Melt-Re'view'comendations.】

  Here the random recommendations of mine for now and so far from new and old items.Some are picked up from my English and Japanese MELTREVIEW pages. Some are just according to come up with by just happening. I'm sure mostly they're music stuff that I had/have.

MELTRICK's English review page called;
"Englisherman MELTREVIEW"
on tumblr.

...more reviewing enough for each arts.

If you're interested to be reviewed by MELTRICK,
please feel flee/free to send or drop me some yours! 

Send me your sounds

or simply email me is also good good!
at KENNYY22MELTRICK@gmail.com

Keep it melt!!



日本語用の「MELTREVIEW」は T B A !


"MELTREVIEW in Japonaiz"
on tumblr.

めSend me your sounds

at KENNYY22MELTRICK@gmail.com


Added on finally [(Tue) June/19th/2012]


【NEW ITEMS in 2012】


"tatat" by ATATA 
(Debut full-length album, digital released April 2012, 8 Tracks)
buy on iTunes.us
My MELTRICK rate: ★★★★★★ (5.75 / 6 star)
MELTRICK description:

  One of awaited debut albums ever. From Tokyo, Japan. The most current alternative sounds is like this. Technically sounded by a modern Japanese rock band. You can even recognize how each instrument parts, includes vocal parts, are sounding independently clearly awesome and well-mixed up as a band music sound. You can feel free to the very thrill-ful sound but as well as feeling enough safe in. The comfortable rock music sound makes us killing-ly singalong, and it's obviously at their show too. Probably you don't even much care about the lyrics what they're singing. (But you may even check them out on the lyric card.) In my opinion, that's because their sounds of essences they have put in this debut album are not so general sort, but deeply instinctive. Since you are possibly repeating the tracks in your ears, you'll see how much the essences souped well together and also how much you were wanted sounds like this. You can enjoyably focus any part of instrumental sounds on each tunes. That's one of points you can taste the album.

  This album was advanced releasing as digitally world wide on itunes, and physically available only at their show as special cd format. (*Booklet cover and lyric plus photo art credit sheet, and the additional one more track.) I'd love you to take the physical one, but even digital. Most members from ATATA have much greater former bands previously that the other Japanese band lately, and playing together now as a new team. So this band is so Released 3 single tunes digitally for FREE, and re-released the three tracks together as 10 inch vinyl. Then this debut 8 track album (*physical version has one more track!) is finally out. Fascination that you may be willing into popular rock music, but not in surfaced current music scene in overground music market, is still existed here.





そう、先日念願かなって僕の地元でATATAのリリースツアー"TheFuryOfSound Tour 2012"で彼らのライヴを観る事ができました。若いバンドと彼らは東京からやってきていた。下手すれば自分達の息子程の若さのバンド達との共演、とは彼ら曰く。そのことからも解る様に、どれだけ彼らがそれぞれのこれまでのバンドマン人生を自ら培ってきたそのサウンド自体に投入してきて、作り上げたこのバンドとこのサウンドとステージングと人間的な魅力とを、音楽的な愛好心を持ってして自らアピールしている。

アルバムを世界発信でiTunesのみで配信しつつ、現物として手に残る形=フィジカルでのリリースであるcdはライヴ会場=at venueでのみ、彼らのライヴを見てマーチ(物販)で彼ら自らの手で受け取るという現場主義的なシステムを、今のこの日本の音楽シーンで挑戦して見ている。

結局書き出したら書きたいことが山ほどだ。とにかく聞いてみて欲しい。You Tubeの映像にぐっときたら現場に駆けつけてみて欲しい。熱さに魅せられてるうちにエナジェティックになる御自分と出会えると思います。


★1st single "General Headquaters"

★2nd single "recito"

★3rd single "Fury Of The Year"

and ★ATATA First Full Album "TATAT"
『LEF!!! CREW!!! MEGA-MIX!!!』(*not on the album)
(*go to their website to listen and download!)

still available for FREEEEE!!!
here: (http://atata.posterous.com/pages/download)

Added on [(tue) June/19th/2012]


"From Up On Poppy Hill (Kokurikozaka kara)"(「コクリコ坂から」)
directed by....  presented by Studio Ghiblii(スタジオジブリ作品)

MELTRICK rate: ★★★★☆☆ (4.45 /6)

★Trailer in Japanese(日本語トレーラー)

detail TBA!

Added on [(sat) June/23rd/2012]


"Rabbit Hole" (邦題「ラビット・ホール」2010)
directed by John Cameron Mitchell
starling Nicole Kidman and Aaron Eckhart
(ニコール・キッドマン & アーロン・エッカート主演)

MELTRICK rate for this film: ★★★★☆☆ (3.85 /6)

MELTRICK description TBA!

☆Official Trailer in English


Added on [(Wed) July/ 11th/ 2012]


【(NEW) ITEMS in 2010/2011】

"The Land of Hopes & Dreams" by MEAN CREEK
My Rate: ★★★★★ (4.8 / 5star)
(Free Digital Single released 21st of June 2011 on http://meancreek.bandcamp.com/)
My Article about MEAN CREEK's new song here;
Un); LiveReport「YCBAW, MC, EP! and FaV in boston rock city Allston spark!」
私ボストンUS在住なのですが、ボストン界隈のバンド/音楽家さんととても仲良くさせて頂いていて、そんな中でボストンに来て初めて観に行ったショウがダニッシュのMEWだったのですが、その時オープナーとして同時に初めて観たボストンバンドってのがこのミーン・クリークで、その点の思い入れもありますが、それを差し引いてもこのNYより北の東海岸の地方・New England地方の空気を一番表現しているバンドだなと、惚れ込んでいるんです。(先日UKのYUCKとツーマン的な感じで向かい入れていた程の人気もありますし。)
My Article about MEAN CREEK on INDIENATIVE.com
 「ボストン・ベスト・ローカルバンド Mean Creek - new "Hemophiliac" Extended Play FREE DOWNLOAD now!!」

Posted on [(Tue) June/21st/2011]
Updated on [(Sun) Oct/2nd/2011]


Fredrik (fr. Sweden) / "Flora" (3rd Full Album April2011)
My Rate: ★★★★☆(4.6 of 5stars)
Swedish Fredrik new album in 2011.
*輸入盤ヴァイナル on HMV.co.jp
"Flora" (full album stream film)
Added [(Tue) Sep/20th/2011]


Magic Man / "Real Life Color" 
My Rate: ★★★★★ (4.75 / 5star)
(Their first release. Boston-based electro pop duo. 2010 AL.)
(*FREE Download or Donate your price!/フリーDLもしくは自由金額設定です!)   
*Live Report coming up soon!

Added on [(Sun) Oct/2nd/2011]


My Rate: ★★★★★ (4.6 / 5star)
(Very first demo/physically CT released 18th Feb.2011)
Download for FREE!! 
Her basement show video taken by me, my ipod.
★SARALEE live at Problem House, Allston MA.
Added [(Fri) Oct/14th/2011]


☆Jennifer Hudson / "i remember me"(Her 2nd album 2011)
My Rate: ★★★★★ (4.85 / 5star) 
It's been about 4 years since her debut album in Sep 2008. I think it's really great album. Her soulful voices on her vocals on each tracks and modern beats and arrangements but not just only current R&B taste though, it's kinda new positiveness.アメリカンアイドルでのデビュ〜映画「DREAMGIRLS」を経ての2008年のセルフタイトルデビューアルバムから、プライベートでの紆余曲折を乗り越えてかなり待望の今年リリースのセカンドアルバム。
★Jennifer Hudson / "No One Gonna Love You" (MV)
Added [(Mon) Oct/24th/2011]


☆Bent By Elephants  (from Montreal)
"This Is Water" (Debut LP album 2011)
My Rate: ★★★★★ (4.85 / 5 star)
★Bent By Elephants / (New Song?) @AllAsia
Live on (Wed) Sep/21st/2011
MELTRICK descriptions: 
My friends band, Tallahassee from Massachusetts someday in the early summer called them play over in Boston from Montreal ... which was the awesomeness show ever in the summer 2011.

Added on [(Someday) in Nov/2011]


☆Sleepy Very Sleepy (from Boston)
"Unlimited Circulation" (Debut/Last album May2011)

My rate: ★★★★★☆ (4.6 / 6 star)
*Two song can be free downloaded on their still-remained-website sleepyverysleepy.com!! M-3 "Another World" & M-4 "Birds" are downloading for FREE the still. (↑のまだ残っているwebページから二曲FREE DLできます!!)
This very short lived band had worked as a band for probably just couple months in this earlier half year 2011 has one very sleepy but uncomfortably & comfortably mixed excellent debut and last album left in their short history. I've just seen them probably only once at last  in Starlab's basement, which was for them perhaps not so good because the drummer then had injured accident or some and they had to stop their performance half way on their own. But I honestly really like that, and am so proud of having this album physically. I'm not sure they're still sold as physical cd somewhere for example on Amazon.com... but you can even now definitely check this excellent and musically super sleepy sophisticated album out even digitally still. Oh I think I can review much enough haha!  They just broke up on someday in August 2011 at TT. Oh and this band might sound a little similar to the one previous MELTRICK recommendation band Bend By Elephant. 
ボストンは私ケニーが住んでいる町、 Somerville(サマヴィル)出身であった、とても形容し難いバンド、(恐らくスリーピー(スリーピースって意味ではございません)・ダブポップ・ハードコア?みたいな?笑)のデビュかつラストアルバム。リリース時の今年5月に地元紙メディアなどにも取り上げられていて知り友達が対バンしていたのことでサマヴィルのガレージのヴェニュー・スターラボ(Starlab)にて一回きりライヴを観れました。が、その数ヶ月後の8月にいつの間にか解散ライヴをしてたのを彼女たちのfbで知りショックだったのですが、ここだけだけの話、フロントウーマンがバンド内の別メンバーとデイトしていて別れたことによる解散で、彼女はブルックリンなどを今は行き来しながら音楽活動をしていて、コラースでボーイ・ウィザウト・ガットというフォーク系のバンドに参加していてそこのメンバーと現在はデイトしているという、俗情報ですが、すみません。。でもどちらも素敵なバンドなので個人的にはとても嬉しい。
Added on [(Mon) Dec/26th/2011]


Camp Island (from Newton, MA-USA)
"Demo From Camp Island" (April2011)
My rate: ★★★★★☆(5.4 / 6 star)
You can buy the cd-r+tee Combo for big deal! from their bigcartel. (フリーダウンロードはありませんが、demo cd-rとTeeのセットで$6と破格で売っております!) 

One show before my friends Pellytwins brought, Liz brought the town two bors. From Newton, where I used to live in and the most safest town in MA state or even more in the US. But this sound is not so more safer than the other exact pop band. Poppy and catchy but it's really nice. They made their sound just in two instruments, a electric effected bass guitar and drums plus lil vocaloidical voices. Simple and nice. Get the demo before they're out of print, because it's coming with a really nice simple cover paper case you might want to color it up!
*The Live Report would be coming up soon with the video and the pix!!

Added on [(Fri) Jan/6th/2012]


☆Kal Marks / "Goodbye Horses" (full-length album 2011)
My rate: ★★★★☆☆ (4.8 / 6 star)
Currently Free Download entire album or get your physical cd copy at the show for 7bux(アルバムまるごとフリーダウンロード中!!フィジカルはライヴ会場にて$7にて。)

About Kal Mark, there you must have an exclusive interview with bunch of, more like tons of  songs they talked and played for WTBU NYC's radio, and my friends Pelly's released on their weblog!!

Imported「"Your horses are saying(staying) something up."-- pellytwins: Kal Marks in-studio at WTBU」 on [(Fri) Jan/6th/2012] 

(*More detail and 日本語解説 would be TBC soon!)

Added on [(Fri) Jan/6th/2011]


BoA / "IDENTITY" (AL 2010)
from my old review 【MELTREVIEW@MIXI 其ノ】
  • My RATE: ★★★★☆☆ (4.25 / 6 star)
  • Originally written on... 
★BoA / "Possibility" duet w/Daichi Miura(三浦大知)
 live tour 2010 "IDENTITY"
★BoA / "Possibility" duet w/Daichi Miura(三浦大知)(PV) (http://youtu.be/LTOvmmzN5nM)

Added [(Tue) Nov/8th/2011]


★Endless Wave (fr. Cambridge, MA-USA)

☆Endless Wave / "City Walls" (EP Aug2010)
a free song off the record called "Ocean Drive"  
my Album Rate: ★★★★★☆ (4.9 / 6 star)


☆Endless Wave / "Notes from the Compound"
a free song off the record called "Land of the sun" 
(Full length May 2011) 
my Album Rate: ★★★☆☆☆ (3.4 / 6 star)
  I don't even think it's good way to review the two items from a Cambridge band Endless Wave together at the same time, but for me they are a couple albums. Like sibling albums from them. The member of the band might have own works for music and get together the musical skills into this Endless Wave even with visualization as well. If you get a chance to see them at a show, you'll notice how they make their sounds visually. I like the first EP City Walls than the other basically to be honest but it's together. So more concentrated poppy melodies if you want on the entire album, is to "City Walls." If you want more experimental tastes if these three were Radioheadonary exposing their sounds into the huge universe with the light misty pop melodies, it would be the other later one "Notes from the Compound." 
Buy the records: (on Amazon.com/HMV.co.jp)
EWはUK rockのRIDEのオールカバーした模様がオフィシャルのYouTubeに上がっております。
My MELTRICK ipod video for EW: 
★Endless Wave / "Triangular"
live at Deep Heaven Now Ⅳ Summer2011 (taken by @MELTRICK)
song from "City Wall EP." 
★Endless Wave / "Dreams Burn Down" (RIDE cover)

Added [(Fri) Jan/20th/2012]


★The Grownup Noise / "This Time With Feeling" 
(2nd full length album 2011)

Buy a hard copy of the album directly from TGN!

MELTRICK mini review description TBP!!

Added on [(Mon) July/ 2nd/ 2012]


【SO FAR ITEMS in the world】

▷From 【My Favorite Lists (at Amazon.com)】on my Eng blog so far.

James Iha / "Let It Come Down" (Debut solo album 1997)
MELTRICK Rate: ★★★★★★ (5.9 / 6 star)
Buy the record on Amazons! (Both Japanese 2012 new Edition)

KASHMIR / "Trespassers" (the 6th album 2010)
MELTRICK rate: ★★★★☆☆ (4.45 / 6 star)
Buy the records on Amazons


Do Make Say Think / "You, You are in a History in Rust"
(the 5th album 2007)
MELTRICK rate: ★★★★☆☆ (4.3 / 6 star)
Buy the vinyl on Amazons


Metric / "Fantasies" (the 4th album 2009)
MELTRICK rate: ★★★★☆☆ (4.2 / 6 star)
Buy the records on Amazons

UK deluxe Import 2cd version on Amazon.com

thru  James Iha to Metric:
Added on [(Tue)Mar/19th/2012]
Originally added on [March2010]


 ☆Dirty Projector / "Bitte Orca" (Full Album 2009) 
My Rate: ★★★★★ (4.7 / 5 star)
Added [(Wed) June/22/2011]


☆ Jane's Addiction / "Nothing's Shocking"  (Major debut full Albun 1998)
My Rate: ★★★★☆ (4.6 / 5 Star)

Added [(Mon) July/11th/2011]


"What happens in Vegas"
directed by Tom Vaughan (USA film 2008)
Starring: Cameron Diaz & Ashton Kutcher
My Rate: ★★★☆☆ (3.2 of 5 Star)


Added [(Mon) July/11th/2011]


The Brother Kite / 
"Waiting For The Time To Be Right"  (2nd full AL 2006)
My MELTRICK Rate: ★★★★★ (5 / 5 star)
★The Brother Kite / "I'm Not The Only One" (MV)
Added [(Sun) Oct/2nd/2011]


★Lo-Fi-Fnk / "Boyslife" (Debut full length album 2006 )
MELTRICK rate: ★★★★★☆ (4.9 /6)

*日本盤はKlee LBLさんからのリリースで、ボーナストラック2曲 Tr.12"A.D.T." & Tr.13"Unighted"とロキノン・羽鳥麻美さんのライナーとMoglah氏の本編対訳付きです。

MELTRICK Description in Jpns:
今年(Feb2012)の数年ぶり待望のセカンドアルバムをドロップしたLo-Fi-Fnkの2006年のデビュアルバムの方。元々はFed Musicの楽曲のリミックスで彼らを知った口なのですが、その今年2月に来ボスしてくれて、DOMとArchitecture in Helsinkiヘッドのライヴの終演後、メインメンバーLeoの弟でありライブではドラムサポートしているLinkに「Fed Musicって日本のバンド知ってるでしょ?」って聞いたら「知らないなー。日本の○○ならアニメから知ってるけど〜」って言われました(笑)そんな思い出があります。リンクはどのバンドの話してたかはてっきり忘れちゃいました(笑)アルバムと全然関係ない話ですみません(笑)やっぱりこのボーイズライフは聞くと無条件で上がります。

Added on [(Mon) July/ 2nd/ 2012]


★2008年邦画「クライマーズ・ハイ」("Climber's High") (Japanese Film 2008)

directed by 原田眞人 (Masato Harada) 監督
MELTRICK rate: ★★★☆☆☆ (3.35 /6)

*Sorry, can't find the item on Amazon.com or in English!

★Trailer in Japanese/予告篇

MELTRICK description for this film (in Japanese only):
Sorry, since I can't find the item in English internet, I'd excuse to introduce this one in English. But it's story about a local newspaper journalism in Gunmma, Japan of 1985.

Added on [(Thu) July/ 12th/ 2012]


★2006年邦画「バックダンサーズ」("Backdancers") (Japanese film 2006)

Directed by 永山耕三 (Kouzou Nagayama)監督

MELTRICK rate for this film: ★★★☆☆☆(3.4 /6)

☆A music scene in the movie/hiro & 陣内孝則 "いつか二人"

MELTRICK description for this film:
Story about some of around teen young dancers and the surroundings trying to be succeeded in music business scene or much more being passionate in dancing. The young girls cast are real idols or idol actresses, but it was not so bad. Not realistic but also just a commercialized movie, I guess. Not in just a stupid (qualified) entertainment world. I don't know much about street dance, but it would be good opportunity to let teenager know about street dancing. It's in a popularity.

思った程は悪くなかい映画だと思いますよ。ex-(若しくは現?)SPEEDのhiroがジャズをやり出した意味が少し分かった、The Rockersの陣内氏と歌うシーンはよかったと思います。サエコもこの位の役だと丁度いいと思いますし。これといった感想があるわけではないのですが、エンターテイメント商業映画の中にこういった題材の映画があるのは10代の子達にとっててもいい事だと思います。そういう映画だと認識し、案外悪くなかったということで残しておきます。
Added on [(Sat) July/ 14th/ 2012]


残響カフェ (Zankyo Cafe) / "4月のことば" (3rd album 2004)
MELTRICK rate for this album: ★★★★☆☆ (3.55 /6)

*Sorry only in Japan. 
MELTRICK description (in only Japanse): 


Added on [(Sun) July/ 15h/ 2012]


First edited on [(Tue) June/21st/2011]
Latest updated on [(Sun) July/ 15th/ 2012]

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