And You might wanna c my history of MELTRICK twits: (http://twilog.org/MELTRICK)

Friday, January 6, 2012

Translation/記事翻訳「He's My Brother She's My Sister: debut @Daytrotter Jan2012 "Meant To Drink Together, Doubling Conclusions"(「酒を飲み交わすってことは、コンクリュージョンを重ねるってこと。」)」


My intro of this article:

 At the same time of a accidentally chance just a couple of weeks before this Daytrotter session released, I'd just found this band from my super random only-DM-email account. Which means from my discovering email address. If the current FREE STAFF world requires me to put the email address of mine to grab my copy or the shits, I would be forgetting about to check the downloading link, so that would be the same situation for the band in this case "accidentally." But the name of this band apparently you could remember was so remarkable on my next checks! Kinda compare of listening to between the Daytrotter tracks and the properly official released same tracks, of course, they are different, but not so totally different. The only thing that I could feel it up in between is like "tense" of the sound that band made for.







My rate of the Daytrotter session:
★★★★☆☆ (3.75 / 6 star)

He's My Brother, She's My Sister 
debut @Daytrotter session
released fri Jan 6th. 2012

"Meant To Drink Together, Doubling Conclusions" 



A song off the session...
He's My Brother, She's My Sister / "Let's Go" 
live at Will's Pub, Orland - Dec 6th, 2011

*To download/listen the session or more use Daytrotter website, 
join the membership for only $2 a month.

The Original Article of Daytrotter Session:

"Meant To Drink Together, Doubling Conclusions" 

Session Credit:

Words by Sean Moeller
(オリジナル記事 by ショーン・モーラー)
Illustration by Johnnie Cluney, 
(イラスト by ジョニー・クルーニー)
Recording engineered by Mike Gentry,
(レコーディング・エンジニア by マイク・ジェントリー) 
Japanese translation by Kennyy_MELTRICK
(日本語翻訳 by ケニー_メルトリック)

Track listing:

1). Welcome to Daytrotter (from HMBSMS)

2). "Let It Live Free" (*Unreleased?)

3). "Tales That I Tell"

4). "How'm I Gonna Get Back Home"

5). "Let's Go" (*Unreleased?)

*Discog is below over this article on the bottom of this post.
 You kind of have to wonder if Robert and Rachel Kolar aspired to be each other's drinking buddies when they were sitting across the table from one another, getting through their bowls of Lucky Charms when they were growing up. As children, that must have seemed like something so far off and distant in the future that there was no use dwelling on it. If it was meant to be, it was meant to be and they would be there for each other. The way things have turned out, it sounds like they do this occasionally. They almost can't help themselves, being in a band together called He's My Brother, She's My Sister. It's one of those band names that would never beg any further explanation, but could drum up some Abbott & Costello acts, with flustered and tipsy bar patrons confused and begging for answers, asking, "Yeah, yeah, but what's your band called?" This only happens, of course, if the siblings are out and the night's getting a little long in the tooth. It's at this point when they start mentally writing crib notes, keeping closer tabs on what they've got cycling through their lubricated heads. The Los Angeles group, which is a six-piece in-full, relies on the ways that getting slightly out of your normal being helps put punctuation marks in the spots where they need them. Everything prior to four beers in winds up trickling out as a run-on sentence, without any capitalization and deciphering much of it is tricky. It's best to junk a lot of it and get to the bottom of the important stuff after a few rounds and something of a more focused head. It's no coincidence that a few drinks loosens everyone up, throws some rosiness into the cheeks and fires up the beginning flashes of a smile. It could just be the sad and depressing residues washing away, albeit temporarily, or it could just be the booze talking. In some ways, it's always welcome, this reconfiguration of problems and pluses. Robert and Rachel often trade lines in their songs, doubling conclusions most of the time and meeting in the middle, suggesting that even if they've split off and gone our separately, they've come to the same determinations. "How'm I Gonna Get Back Home," is one from the group's self-titled, debut EP and it addresses the need to let go of consciousness and just let the lights go off for a little bit. It's as if some things just need to be said and there's only one way to have them said, to feel entirely free to say them. They sing, "In the morning things won't seem so sweet," but there's no voice telling anyone that any of this is a bad idea that should be nipped in the bud right now, before anything can't be taken back. Rachel sings, "My luck's shot to shit, but I've still got my wits," and elsewhere asks, "Who would fall for a freak like me?/Well, who cares, I'm still gonna have some fun tonight." It must be that they've determined that it doesn't matter much because "all of a sudden, I feel like talking to everyone." In the end, in the morning, it's just going to wind up being a telltale night, with some pearls of wisdom in there, to be extracted over a late breakfast and hangover remedies.



もしロバート&レイチェル・コラー (Robert and Rachel Kolar) がただ飲み仲間として互いに向かい合ってテーブルについて熱弁しあっていてたら、それが彼/彼女がかつて成長期にラッキー・チャームス(*Lucky Charms -- アメリカはミネソタ州発の シリアルメーカー)のボール皿を抱えて仲良く向かい合ってた様なら尚更、どうしたって気になってしまうだろう。こどもにとっては、それは(飲み語る事は)まるでかけ離れた未来の出来事だったりするから、くどくど語り合う事もとても仕様もないことであろう。もし意味があるとすれば、もし意味を成すとするなれば、それはただそこで向き合っていること自体が彼ら自身の為であるってだけのことである。

そんな物事がひっくり返るのは、まさにまるで彼らが時折そんな風に子供の頃に戻ったかの様に向き合うからである。それでも二人は仕方なく向き合い、ヒイズ・マイ・ブラザー・シイズ・毎シスターなんて名前のバンドに一緒に居るからである。しかもこの名前がまた、その名前自体にどんな意味説明を求めちゃならん類いのものだが、でもどことなくアボット&コステロ(*Abbott & Costello -- アメリカの40〜50年代に活躍したお笑いコンビ)の漫才のように人々の注目を集めることが出来たし、慌てふためいてはほろ酔いのバーのパトロン(常連客)達は少し困惑してその疑問を投げかけて来て、それは、「Yeah, Yeah, けど、お前達のバンド名は何て言うのさ?」なんて。もしこの兄妹がやってきてその晩の所謂少しだけ「遅れて来たヒーロー/ヒロイン」みたいな感じだったら、それはもちろん、そんな質問も飛び交うさ。それは彼らが知的に書き溜めたノートに続きを書き始めて、彼らの循環して回ってる頭を通って何を得てしているかをなんて事をリアルに書き近づけていったら、っていう話さ。

まともな人間から少しだけズレちゃっている様なスタイルにすっかり依存し出してたりね。4杯も注がれるビールが何より先に優先されるような、そんなすべての事柄が一つの永遠と続くセンテンスとして漏れてしまって結ばれてしまうように、何の投資もなく、そしてその状況に対しきちんと理解しようともしない事が如何にトリッキーなことか。大事なのはそんな類いの物事の多くをがらくたのごとく捨て去るのに、徹底的に語り合って自身の頭の中にある物を追求し、頭を回転されて、そんな貴重な頭の中に詰まっているものとリンクするがごとしに、その酒を瓶底まで飲み干すことである。ほぐし水として数杯まず吞むってことが誰しものの、気持ちを緩め、顔も赤らめ、同時に気合いを入れたり笑顔にするための最初の一手となる事なんてことはないが。それはただ悲しい事で残存に憂鬱を苛まれ嘆き散らして、それが例え一時的なことだとしても、そんなのはただ大酒飲みになりかねない事だ。だいたいの時には こうした、人が抱える問題やその手のプラス@に対してお酒を飲み交わして再び立ち向かって行く、再構築していける、陽気さというのが、酒を吞み交わす醍醐味というもでもある。

ロバートとレイチェルの二人はよく、自身が書いて来た曲のフレーズや詩のラインをトレードしてみては、そのトレードの最中によく起こりえる、コンクリュージョン(*「終い」「解釈」の意)に入れ違いがもし二人にあったりしても、僕らへはそれぞれの解釈に任せてくれるように、最後には一つの最終地点を与えてくれる。今回のセッションにもある楽曲「ハウム・アイ・ゴナ・ゲット・バック・ホーム」("How'm I Gonna Get Back Home")はそんな楽曲の一曲であり、彼らのデビューセルフタイトルEP(*ディスコグ参照!)からの楽曲であり、









HMB, SMS オフィシャルフェイスブックページ(英語)


He's My Brother She's My Sister
Discog for the Daytrotter +@:
Track #3). & 4). from 6+1 track "S/T" EP released Oct2010*Track 4 "How'm.." is a free download track! 今回のデイトラ・トラック3&4の楽曲は2010年10月リリースの初バンドオフィシャルリリース、セルフタイトルEPに収録です。 "How'm..."はそこからのフリーダウンロードカットシングルです!

Also two items from HMBSMS for free & name your price!! You can grab!!
A free download Dec2010's X'mas single "Merry Christmas Everybody"

And the latest single released May of 2011 is that you can name your price!!

For their upcoming new album as their first full length and the tour:
(HMB, HMSは只今デビューアルバムとそのリリースツアーの為のプレッジを行ってます)

Pledge.com (below!!)



Edited on [(Fri) Jan/6th/2012] 
Posted on [(Thu) Jan/12th/2012]


【本日の/Today's... BGM selections】

★VELTPUNCH / "Irony"...はなかったので、"Spectacle"
from the latest/7th album "His Strange Fighting Pose" (2011)


★Steffaloo / "The Red Runs Free (feat. Pandit )
Steffaloo - The Red Runs Free (feat. Pandit) by jaxart


★Blue October / "The Chills" (official MV)



★talk / "Sundae Flip"
(*FREE DOWNLOAD single!! grab it out!/フリーダウンロード中!いえーい!)

★"Sundae Flip (in my room arrange)"
from skm_records 2nd compilation [in my room - pract]より。
(Whole the compi is for free! grab'm out!!/全部フリーダウンロード、いえーい!)
2nd compilation [in my room - pract] by skm_records

 ★"Sundae Flip (Flip Inside This House Mix)" by Osamu Ansai
(This is also for Free YEAH!/いえーい!!笑)

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