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Saturday, August 20, 2011

An Old Work: 独自訳詩/LyricTranslation「Sleep non stop: Dan Mangan "Journal Of A Narcoleptic"」

Feeling like haven't opened fb a while, I know. The while is like a week. What's happening to me is not-recognizable thing always in that time. Well, recognizable but seems like don't want to. Never listen to and also never play music. Feel nothing as neither comfortable and uncomfortable. Tended to hate friend, which is obviously not good, even mentally. Happens, and happened.

★Lights Resolve / "Happens Every Day"

*Well, I have mentioned Lights Resolve bit on my Japanese blog a few days ago, and if you could find the hint to grab their free new single and see this song of their new arrived music video on their site is from here:

形に取れた言葉、誰かを否定すれば相対的に自分の価値が上がると思っているのか、と問う彼らはインビジブルのまま。」 (http://meltrick.blog124.fc2.com/blog-entry-584.html) on my Japlog.
Sorry, unable to translate even its title of the Japanese article now.

  BTW, this was one of what I have wanted to, and was to translate Dan Mangan's song to Japanese. I completely realized that no one in Japan mentioned and even was interested in himself so far. So that is my job. Asked his general manager and she said Dan would come attackin into Japan in 2012. Now he's releasing his junior album after this summer 2011. And a song I translated is my encounter song with him some years ago in Japan. That was in a Canadian compilation disc that I just found in old house where I was living then in Japan. Froze then. How much feeling I had connected with, in this song. Perfectly personal song and I felt like this song is absolutely only for me. I don't like feeling of asleep. shallow sleep is much better but uncomfortable.. actually. But this song was only song that describing how Narcoleptic is emotionally happening to the person. You might be able to feel emphasized the song, you will, I'm sure.

 Follow the bottom of the Japanese paragraph to get the translation.

I have  two points that I have to say. One is that I have decided myself to never translate songs which have already released as Japanese edition album in Japan. Which means literally for Japanese music lovers, to discover the unknown artists or songs.
  The other one is that I have even translated Dan's song before I didn't even notice. Which was a song called "Road Regards" (2009 the first track off his sophomore "Nice, Nice, Very Nice") .

 Oh and, additionally as I little said, he's gonna release new record "Oh Fortune" in September and now he's giving away a new song album tittle track off the upcoming record on his official web site.
You must grab it

★Dan Mangan / "Oh Fortune" (live at CargovVideo)





僕は、Danの別の楽曲"Road Regards"という
"Journal Of A Narcoleptic"より新しい楽曲の訳詩をしてたんですね。

今回の訳詩の楽曲"Journal ~ Narcoleptic"に出会って以来、


新譜"Oh Fortune"のタイトルトラックです。


Japanese Translation / 独自和訳 : 
Dan Mangan (ダン・マンガン)/ "Journal Of A Narcoleptic"(ジャーナル・オブ・ア・ナルコレプティック)      http://meltricknoizjp.tumblr.com/post/9158815908/danmangannarcoleptic

Thanks and stay tune for new translation of his!



ダン・マンガンの"Road Regrets"は、次のポストですが念のために。

As I announced Dan Mangan's 'Road Regrets' lyrics Japanese translation is on next post.

Go below:

Edited & Posted on [(Fri) Aug/20th/2011]


【Today's/本日のBGM selection】

★the HIATUS / "Bittersweet / Hatching Mayflies" (MV)   
off from the 2nd EP "Hatching Mayflies" out on June 2011


  1. Kennyyです。

    ダン・マンガンの"Road Regrets"は次のポストですが念のために。

    As I announced Dan Mangan's Road Regrets' lyrics Japanese translation is next.

    Go below:

  2. arigatou for translating
    me a dan mangan fan too
    beats all those overproduced underqualitied rubbish
    DAN DESERVES MORE ATTENTION IN EAST ASIA(and other parts of the world for that matter)

  3. May you as well translate "robots" and "sold"?

  4. Hi there!!

    Thank you for the comments and request!!!
    I'm so glad you like it, and you're his fan too!
    I understand what you feel, because it's kinda rare to receive comments about Dan Managan, which is very grateful to me.

    Well, I have questioned to his management about couple things of his, and one of those was about his tour in Asia (well I'm japanese so asked especially about Japan), then they said, after his current tour with his new record around Canada and USA, next year 2012 he would be come.

  5. Of course, I'd love to translate his "Robots" and "Sold" too! Although it would be taking a while I think, I'm going to. So hope you stay tune on MELTRICK. I'm lil afraid that you could understand Japanese stuff though, glad to have your request!

    Thank you!

  6. Hello. Thanks for replying.
    I am the guy who commented.
    Actually I am Chinese and knows only very basic vocabularies of Japanese(my apologies if you find requests from a non-Japanese kind of trollin).
    Anyway what you are doing is awesome and please keep up with the good work.

  7. Hi!! Thank you very very much too for the grateful comments!!

    I'm so glad you came here to see my works and Dan's as well!! Please don't make that apologies yourself, that's totally fine this is kinda international and non-border website presented by a little japanese guy! And that's great you have Japanese vocabularies!!

    A little unfortunately I've been pretty busy these days, HOWEVER I'm gonna find myself putting in the time to translate those songs of Dan's in Japanese ASAP!! So appreciate that you gave me nice requests!!

  8. Konichiwa Kenny!
    How is the translation?

  9. Hi Konnichiwa there!

    It's taking little long,really sorry for that!!
    In myself, for the lyric section, i have also the other ones of same Canadian artist Tegan & Sara's. Hopefully you like both! Stay more tune plz!!



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