And You might wanna c my history of MELTRICK twits: (http://twilog.org/MELTRICK)

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Un): #DaytrotterJpnsTranslation:「METZ - debut session "誰もがメスドアップし出すまで。" ("Until Everyone's Messed Up.")」

A couple of... METZ pics 
@ MiddleEastUpstairs, Cambride MA - Wed, Nov 21st, 2012
w/ Pile + Speedy Ortiz.

Afterwards...the stage.

METZ in the dark low light.

More pictures, the show ipod videos, and my MELTRICK Live review coming up soon on my Eng weblo g - 1st Edit..
(*The URL has changed recently! For a plan moving on it to 2nd Edit soon. -->> http://meltrickenglog124-1st.blogspot.com/)

A beautifully insane head shaking video from their s/t record.

★METZ / "Wet Blanket"
(Official Video off the debut s/t record via Sub Pop USA.)

Buy the vinyl or Japanese Edition album!

Bundels from SubPop directly!

Or prefer Amazonings?

Japanese Edition in Japan.
(日本デビュー盤 @ アマゾン)

(*It comes with 2 bonus tracks? and Obi Japanese liner notes!)


MELTRICK intro in Eng:


MELTRICK intro in Jpns:

*up shortly!


Copied and Pasted the article from official Daytrotter.com!:

*Session Download & Original Article... 
on  Daytrotter.com from HERE!

METZ debut session: 

Released on Nov 15th, 2012(2012年11月15日リリース)


  1. Welcome to Daytrotter from METZ
  2. "Dirty Shirt" (“ダーティ・シャツ”)
  3. "Wasted" (“ウェイスティッド”)
  4. "Headache"(“ヘッドエイク”)

All songs from the self-titled debut album from Sub Pop!

YouTube audios 
for a listen to get the record for you!:

"Dirty Shirt"

"Wasted Shirt"

and my favorite track "Headache"

METZ debut session:
"Not Until Everyone's Messed Up" 
Words by Sean Moeller, Illustration by Johnnie Cluney, Recording engineered by Mike Gentry. Japanese Translation by MELTRICK 
  What does a man do when he's got no clean clothing - the laundry piling up in the corner of the bedroom - and all he wants to do is chainsaw a running motorcycle in half? It's not a rhetorical question. There is an answer that can be arrived at without a whole helluva lot of consideration. That man - if he just can't find anything clean to wear or a chainsaw or a running motorcycle - probably just goes out and gets fucking hammered drunk and listens to Metz' self-titled new record. 
  It will quench that feeling as much as anything can. That man might even want to douse himself in gasoline, just for a little excitement, just in case someone decided to strike a match and let some craziness ensue. There's really no telling what all it might take for a man who has such inclinations to feel as if they've got what they needed out of the night. It might take going down in a blaze of flames to feel like it was memorable enough to be mentioned in the holiday card form letter. 
  Lead singer Alex Edkins, drummer Hayden Menzies and bassist Chris Slorach make up this power trio from Toronto and they skim all the creamy debauchery off the top of the churn, guzzling it themselves, flailing and working themselves into a steamy lather while doing so. These songs pound with ripping abandon and they run around like maniacs breaking every glass and bottle they can find until everyone's messed up.   
Metz Official Site (*bandcamp! some digital stuff there!) 
Sub Pop Records


(MELTRICK translation
METZ debut Daytrotter article in Japanese:)

"Until Everyone's Messed Up."

 汚れたままの身なりのときに一人の男がすることといえば ーー ベッドルームの側にランドリー行きの服でいっぱいなとき ーー グウィーングウィーン言わせてるチェーンソーしかないだろう。これはただのレトリカルな(修辞的な)クエッションってわけではない。それはきちんと答えがあって、ヘルヴァ(helluva = hell of a 阿呆みたい)な深読みは必要ない。そんな男ーー 彼にはそんな服たちを洗うものや、ましてやチェーンソーやグウィーングウィーンゆわせてるモーターサイコ(オートバイ)も見つけられないとして ーー にはきっと、ただ外に出てどっかのバーにでも酒を引っかけ酔っぱらって、このメッツ (METZ)のセルフタイトルのニュー・レコードを 聞くんだろうさ。
 それはもう何よりも酔いしれることができる代物だろうさ。その男にとっては、自身をガソリンに浸しきりたくなる程かもしれないし、それほどの一時の興奮剤で、万が一にもそこに誰かがそこにマッチでもストライキしたくなってクレイジーな事を起こしかねないもの、な程だ。そんな風な"癖" (傾向)の持ち主である一人の男が一夜を乗り切るのに必要なものを教えてやるのは、そう簡単ではない。それは送られてきた手紙のホリデイカードの中の文面でふいに発せられる印象深い"ぶっちゃけ"のように感じる程の、いわば炎の中の閃光に身を投じると言える様なことかもしれない。
  リードシンガーのアレックス・エドキンス (Alex Edkins)、ドラマーのヘイデン・メンジス (Hayden Menzies)にベーシストのクリス・スローチ (Chris Slorach)はそんなパワーあるトリオとしてトロントで組み、彼らはそんなクリーミーな酒浸った放蕩のミルク感の蓋をはがしてすくいあげて、自由奔放に暴飲して、暴れ回って、そうしてる合間にも自らを泡汗に浸したりするんだ。彼らの曲たちは素晴らしき自由奔放さを叩き砕き、そこに居る誰しもがメスドアップされるまで(*「狂い出す」くらいの意)狂乱で割れ散らかったグラスやボトルのまわりを走りまわる。

メッツ オフィシャルサイト  (*バンドキャンプ!) 
Sub Pop Records (*USサイト)


"First of All" for the ending up this post, you just should head up to the METZ show sometime as soon as possible you can make it to wherever it happens they definitely run around the breaking beer bottles and ripping the abandon with their freak-up real punk sound (I would say "punk") in the dirty venue of your neighbor.

Thanx a lot,


Edited on [Thu, Nov 22nd, 2012] 


【本日の/Today's BGM selection】
... also up soon!
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