And You might wanna c my history of MELTRICK twits: (http://twilog.org/MELTRICK)

Monday, June 20, 2011

News! on mixi「New Mixi Community: Ava Luna (fr.Brooklyne), Paper Bag Records (Toronto) & Catherine A.D.(UK)」

Hi there,

probably many of you who're living out of Japan don't know about a Japanese social networking. The most largest one is called mixi /mixithy/. Since middle 00s or more earlier?later? It just tends to become twitter? facebook? I/We don't even care much about it though, I still care about the majorities of the community pages on mixi such as "LIKE" as fan page/official page of facebook.
*Sorry dudes, this fuckin sns site can see by only registered member. I believe now they would accept without any invitation from existed member. They used to do accept so though. 

Well, I might have introduced the community pages that I've managed/been managed before on:

For overseas, I could probably introduce some from the before in force. Well, these are my favorites and I wanted to introduce for Japan.  Even only mixi users would see and join in, introducing again here.

Free Session as EP size, excellent music site in the US "Daytrotter.com"

*& For the Daytrotter fan of Japanese!!!
Here the official Japanese translation site of Daytrotter's articles for the latests.

-Dear Local Vibraphone Jazz Funk Musician/Band.
"The Wooden Glass"(副管理人就任thnx!)

-My dear hidden girl from Portland, Maine.
"Lady Lamb the Beekeeper"

-New Shoogazer from California.
カリフォルニアの新手Shoegaze band!

-Partying! A Party Band from Boston.
"bodega girls"

-He might be not a Washed Out type, you get him.
Washed Out系かとおもったけれども、、
"Therapies Son"

-As you know, they two are awesome.
男女二人のAlternative Shogaze?
"Wye Oak"

And then, At this time, I again introduce,  here the new I added. I made new communities recently.

          - NEW! MA州発のロックキッズ(といっても青年)
           Do yo like DOM? Why not them?
          ”Golden Girls (Worcecter, MA)”
"Catherine A.D."

"Paper Bag Records"

"Ava Luna"


Edited on [(Mon) June/20th/2011]


【本日のBGM selection/Toda's BGM selection】
I wanted to be there feeling DIY Emo Fest; Friendship Fest in Brooklyn last weekend...

★Boys & Sex / "Peach Juice/Over Everything"
(fr. boyfriends/Boys&Sex split 7")


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