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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Imported/翻訳/Translate:「Unknown Moral Orchestra: #DaytrotterSession "The New Mind Wanderlings, Or Spacey Invaders" + The Phoenix Best New Band in USA 2011」

 On the introduction today, I won't say anything because it might be gonna be just a sort of additional post for ... Toro Y Moi & Ava Luna thing. BUT, it's probably wrong way to say out, even if you ever have experienced to seeing out Unknown's live music at any of theirs. But still, I won't say nothing about them, except I'd say "They're simply awesome. How? Simply they make happy singing with beats."

  They are so young to be rocking new. Although it's not gonna be on the Daytrotter session;

★Unknown Mortal Orchestra / "How Can U Luv Me" live at SXSW2011

  Oh one thing that might be little weird with though I could say is they're originally from New Zealand, NZ native transplanted to Portland, Oregon. And then they are said officially from Oregon, one of newcomer US bands. Is that weird, is that? Well that is my friend Liz Pelly told about with the Boston Phoenix top featuring article "STATES 50 Bands -- Best New Bands in America (USA) 2011" (http://thephoenix.com/supplements/2011/50states/oregon/) .

So the chance, I'm gonna translate the Phoenix article first for sure for start.  Before do that get into this, really focused their interview in CA in July 2011. (Well funny thing is that you may realize  during the interview you could hear YUCK playing behind it. haha!)

 ★UMO - Interview w/Arroz Y Frijoles Music - Visalia, CA July/28th/2011

Filmed on Main St. Visalia, California 
(Arrozyfrijolesmusic.blogspot.com) (Espumosofigueroa.tumblr.com)


というのも、何と言うか今、Toro Y Moi, UMO そして友人でありBrooklynベースのQuiltyというバンドでもドラムを叩くJulianが在籍する同じくBrooklynのAva Lunaの3組でのツアー(厳密には、、トロ岩ちゃんとUMOの新譜リリース合同ツアーにAva Lunaがオープナー役名として抜擢された、感じでしょうか。)の記事を、トロ岩ちゃんのDaytotterと共に現在まとめておりまして、それ故、ということであります。

Ava Lunaについても後で言及していきたいと思いますが、、
(僕のブロッグスの方をちょいちょいかいつまんで頂いていらっしゃる方は、もしかしたら観た事あるかもですが。。 あっ、)

★Ava Luna / "Clip" (MV - SXSW2011 showcasing artist)

(なのでもう一曲この"Clip"収録の"Service EP"より好きな一曲を。

★Ava Luna / "Cement Lunch" live at Kings Barcade, Raleigh, NC
March 11th. 2011

ライブの定番tuneやと思います。既存作品に入ってないので、11月だったから来年初頭だったか、、すみませんしっかり話聞いてたつもりがかなりうる覚えで苦笑、リリース予定のupcoming full albumに恐らく入るでしょう!一曲も。)

★Ava Luna / " Close to me(か、Close to meか)"



The Original Page

 Oregon: Unknown Mortal Orchestra

CITY:  Portland

SONG TO DOWNLOAD: "Ffunny Ffriends" 

FREE DOWNLOAD the playlist includes this song:
(*下記リンク先のよりこのUMOの"Ffunny Ffriends"収録の昨年2010年8月のコンピがzip/torrent式でDLJ出来ます。)
WEBSITE: unknownmortalorchestra.com 

WHY THEM: Unknown Mortal Orchestra's just-dropped debut is a psych-rock document of indeterminate origin, its staticky melodies and short-wave bounce making it sound like an eight-track found in a sealed plastic bag dug up in the middle of the desert somewhere. And the band wanted it that way, shrouding themselves in mystery and anonymity as their star quickly rose in the blogosphere. But the power of their music, now that they are doing things like playing on stages and whatnot, is not diminished by the knowledge that they are a flesh-and-blood power trio led by the nimble-yet-elusive mind of one Ruban Nielson. Time will tell if the spotlight will wilt the mythology of the band's guarded-secret muse, but for now we can all bask in the glow of the archaeological find that is UMO's strange and bewildering musical gift.
(選抜理由:アンノウン・モータル・オーケストラのドロップされたばかりのデビュー盤は特定されることのないオリジナルのもとでのサイケ・ロックのカテゴライズされ、そのエレクトロニックなメロディーとショートウェイヴなバウンスによりサウンドメイキングは何処かの砂漠のど真ん中で発掘される結ばれて閉じたビニール袋の中にある“8トラック”のような音である。そしてこのバンドはそんな音を求めてもいるためか、彼ら自身をミステリアスで匿名性の中で覆い込み、例えば彼らの手早いスターローズ性はそんなブログ界隈、ブログスフィアの中でも存在を放っていた。しかし彼らの音楽の力には今、彼らが同行、いわば数々のステージの上で、そして何やかんや、そんなルバン・ニールセン(Ruban Nielsen - Vo/Gt of UMO)のいわば“動きが速くて尚追いつけない”思考によってリードされる“肉付きがよく血の気溢れる”パワートリオバンドとしての一般認識までをも減少されつつついる。やがて彼らに向けられるスポットライトがそんなバンドの守り神的なシークレットミューズみたいな(根拠のない世間の)神話をしぼませるだろうし、けれどそんな考古学的発見である進歩の中で僕らは、UMOの(許容範囲的な)ストレージによるよりワイルドになっていく音楽ギフトを、まるでひなたぼっこしながら観れている様である。
ALSO CONSIDERED: Like our Ohio pick and Game 7 of the Stanley Cup Final, there was no competition here. (同時考察:この"BEST NEW BANDS in USA 2011"でのオハイオ州選抜(Cloud Nothings)や(ホッケーの)スタンリー杯ファイナルの7th戦のように、まったく(彼らの音楽に)不平不満はない。
Japanese Translation by @Kennyy_MELTRICK(ケニー_メルトリック笑)

As "ALSO CONSIDERED" mentioning as the Ohio pick's Cloud Nothing's article is written by my friend one of pellies, Liz, and I have even translated Cloud Nothings' August 2011 Daytrotter debut session article (did it last month) in Japanese. You can take a look in Japanese if you wanna try try clouds! So and on, I may be gonna translate the Liz' Ohio pick article too when its time naturally comes. (Cause she wants me translate all of her articles! hahaha!)

Translated/独自翻訳:「Cloud Nothings; @Daytrotter Session "Cleveland Still Rocks Despite The Staggering Loss Of King James." 」

その同時考察のセクションで話されているオハイオの選抜であるCloud NothingsのDaytrotterの昨年’10年8月のセッションの記事はその一年後である先月翻訳しておりますので、合わせてぜひ。ちなみにそのCloud Nothingsの選抜記事は友人のリズが書いていて、彼女から「あたしの記事どれでも、むしろ全部翻訳して〜!」的な感じに言われているので、近々ホンニャくできればと思います。せっかくですので。笑



by @Teshi氏 of Simon Says blogによる、

Unknown Mortal Orchestra Daytrotter debut session article in Japanese.
"The New Mind Wanderings, Or Spacey Invaders"

Daytrotter released September 7th, 2011

Words by Sean Moeller
Illustration by Johnnie Cluney
Recording engineered and mastered by Sam Patlove

  1.  Welcome to Daytrotte from UMO
  2. "Jello and Juggernauts"
  3. "Thought Ballune"
  4. "Strangers Are Strange"
  5. "Boy Witch"
  6. "Little Blu House"
(*All song in their debut "S/T" album 2011)

磨かれた鉄製の建物がUnknown Mortal Orchestraのデビューフルアルバムに載っていて、ここは人や物を隠すには最高の場所のようだ。一人で楽器の練習するような所で、世間から離れて自分だけの賑やかな空間を作り出す事ができる。嫌いな物全てからの絶縁状態だ。


この建物の事を想像するのは楽しい。多分人里離れた広い土地で、写真が撮られた時、冬の真ん中か秋の後半にUnknown Mortal Orchestraの司令塔Ruban Nielsonと変人集団と特異なポップ細工人達が生活していたのかな。そこで彼らはあらゆる種類の陰謀説を信じていて、アルミホイルで出来たヘルメットを被っている。屋根に設置された巨大なアンテナとパラボラ・アンテナが母なる惑星からの必要な情報を受信中。その星では、全ての楽曲は不思議な触感と見た目を持ち、最終的にミルク、蜂蜜、キャラメルとヌガーで満たされる。アルバムのカバーで不思議な場所を見せ付けられ、それに付随するサイドストーリーなどなく、音楽と共に君は色々(物語などを)想像しなくてはいけない。

僕らの予測では、Nielsonはこういう建物にある種の忠誠心を感じているんじゃないかって事だ。狼達が手がかりを無くした後、山腹でハイになる不可能性へ隔離されて、多分別世界の物のように見られながら、彼は感じた事を曲にするだろう。”UMO”に収録される楽曲には大量の逃げ道が含まれているように感じる。このアルバムは現代風インディーロックからエイセンズ風のものまで、かつて栄えたElephant Six Recording(Neutral Milk Hotelなどを輩出した)の作品や、MTVの”120Minutes”に出演したような良く分からない1990年代のグランジからPavementまであらゆるものを包括している。彼は自分の脳みそや耳、目を生きている内に無数の異なったものに浸し、明確な方向を決めずにはっきりしないままでいる。こんな作家の特異性がこのアルバムの中で響き渡っているのだ。彼は代わりに全部に手を突っ込んで、新しい世界を作り出した。

 The polished, steel building on the cover of Unknown Mortal Orchestra's debut full-length album looks like a great place to hide stuff and people. It looks like a place where you'd go to woodshed, where you could just sever yourself off from the rest of the world and create your own bubbly place, insulated from everything that you didn't want to let in. The other day, I was watch shopping, looking to get a great, old-school looking Casio, with the tiny buttons and nothing at all fancy on it, just something that could keep time when I was or wasn't out running. The more time I spend looking at the photograph of this Frank Gehry-looking structure - maybe it is a Gehry or a poor man's Gehry - the more I believe that all of the Casio watches of the kind I wanted are housed inside that structure, possibly under glass, but definitely hoarded. It's fun imagining this building - out there in what looks to be a desolate stretch of land, at the time of the photo snapping, in the middle of a winter or just emerging from one - as the place where Unknown Mortal Orchestra mastermind Ruban Nielson and his crack squad of bizzaro, idiosyncratic popsmiths live and sleep. It's where they walk about wearing aluminum foil helmets and they believe all kinds of conspiracy theories. The out-sized antenna and satellite dish on the roof of the building beam in all of the essential transmissions they need from their home planet, a place where all songs are strange to the touch and sight, but ultimately filled with milk, honey, caramel and nougat. You see a strange place like this on the cover of an album, without getting any other back-story, just the accompanying music and you simply must infer some things. What we infer is that Nielson feels some kind of allegiance to the idea of a building like this - some seclusion, to the impossibility of being high on a mountainside, after the wolves had lost his scent, to being seen as something otherworldly maybe - and that he writes the way he feels. If feels as if there's a copious amount of getaway involved with the songs on the band's self-titled record, an album that covers all kinds of ground, from contemporary indie rock to that of the Athens, Georgia-based, once proud and thriving Elephant Six Recording Collective, to Pavement and obscure hints of 1990s grunge of the "120 Minutes" ilk. It rings with the peculiarities of a writer who has dipped his brain, ears and eyes into a myriad of different things in his lifetime and he's got no clear-cut direction, instead choosing to wade through it all to cook up this new variety of his mind's wanderings.
Unknown Mortal Orchestra: Official Site




Edited on [(Mon) Sep/18th/2011] thru [(Tue) Sep/]


【本日の/Today's BGM selections】

Japanese Alternative Rock now in Tokyo?
Well, some of my friends do know I am a drummer in band and also song write. When I started to play drummer I was very lucky to meet the most favorite typed drummer to be familiar with. He used to be in a great Japanese rock band, broken up last year. I am fortunately still familiar with them and the bass player recently has mentioned about this Japanese band mainly play around "Shimokita" area in Tokyo! Howdy!

I honestly feel like my youth with guitar rock music used to have is come back to me whenever I listen to these Japanese rock music sound. But what about guitar sound effecting? It's good. Good.


★jimmyhat / "光" ("Hikari" means 'light') live May 21. 2011 at Shimokitazawa CLUB251

jimmyhat Web (http://www.jimmyhat.jp/2011jimmyhatpc.html)




it's gonna be for the modern bonus for now and sure.
Have you seen this videoooo?

★Atomic Tom / "Take Me Out" (live on NYC subway)


The Jayhawks Issue12 :: #PasteMag mPlayer
The Jayhawks Issue :: Paste mPlayer

Last nite we made tour last stop show for Vivian Girls w/ Wisdowspeak & Girlfriends of Bos though, our friend Antony made CYHSY's long awaited come back show at Paradise in Bos.

★Clap Your Say Hands Say Yeah / "Same Mistake"
(live at Littlefield, Brooklyn, August 8th, 2011)

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