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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Un):Translation/独自翻訳:「#AsobiSeksu; Daytrotter Session on Sep2011 "Heist Of Light And Darkness." 」

  (*An introduction of the post is TBA by some reason! )
But I have seen Asobi Sekusu' gig couple times, and also talked even interviewed them. So it's very gladly to translating their sophomore session on Daytrotter today!

AS at Great Scott, Allston MA: 
Yuki played drums for the show finale at the time.

AsobiSeksu @WMFO Tufts Univ. Radio Fest 2011
My best friend Alex organized the fest and AS was gusted!



Asobi Seksu - 2nd Daytrotter Session

"Heist Of Light And Darkness"


                                                Released September 27, 2011

Words by Sean Moeller
Illustration by Johnnie Cluney
Recording engineered and mastered by Matt Oliver
Japanese Translation by @Kennyy_MELTRICK
  1. Welcome to Daytrotter from Asobi Seksu
  2. "Trails"
  3. "Perfectly Crystal"
  4. "Leave the Drummer Out There" 
  5. *All the songs from the latest/4th album "Fluorescence"(2011)  


アソビセクス(Asobi Sekusu)の楽曲「トレイルス」("Trails")にはまるで 「ミッション」という言葉が漂っているというか、自ずからその言葉が歌の意味に含まれている気がする。それはバンドとしての新作「フロウアレッセンス」("Fluorescence" (n) = 「螢光」)からのこの曲は音による強大な満ち潮の波で、まるで人目につかない沿岸に打っては散っていくようだ。かつ過ぎ去る前の嵐の様であり、そしてもしここまでの突沸的で喜ばしい音でなければ、ただただ不快な(音の)表情だけが浮かんでくるか神経に障るだけな楽曲であるだろう。


我々はシンガー/キーボディストのYuki Chikudate (ユキ・チクダテ)とギタリスト/シンガーのJames Hanna(ジェームス・ハンナ)はより壮大なアイディアを持ち合わせているのではないかと睨んでいる。それはひとつの楽曲にまるでそのアイディアが全ての光やその光で生み出され演奏されるその全てをコントロールしている様であるからだ。そこには急速性があり、太陽や月、全てのシャンデリア、全てのディスコボールやミラー、それに全てのフラッシュ来とや海の表面の輝きであったり、全てのキャンプファイアやキャンドルといったあらゆる光の返還していくほどのスピードである。そして全てをつかんでは底知れない袋に詰め込んでいっている。その光をどこで放とうかなんて意図はまるでなく放たれているわけである。ただそれは、誰もが気付いてその知恵を付けてしまわれないように、その光の全てをコントロールしてやりたいといった欲望だけである。チクダテとハンナは光の上手な追求者であり使い手である、それ故に二人はそこまで光を欲しがるのであると我々は更に睨んでいる。二人はむしろ光の中に闇を生み出す事さえ会得し、チクダテのさえずる様なヴォーカルで、膨らんでいくその音の中にその闇はくるまっていくようであり、それはまるで素敵な宝物のようでもある。あなたはすぐさまに、彼女が暗い深海からふつふつとわく物語の中の月の光や太陽光の結び目や割れたガラスの破片に反射する光の種類がいかなるものか理解出来る事だろう。

From the original essay:

It seems like there's a mission surrounding or that's being implied in the Asobi Seksu song, "Trails." Off the band's latest album, "Fluorescence," the song is a huge tidal wave of sound, smashing against a coast unseen. It's an unrelenting storm and if it weren't so oddly joyous, it would sound like one of the most furious displays of aggression or jitteriness that one had ever heard. It doesn't sweep you off your feet. It sets your feet and the ground they're standing upon on fire. It's as if a dribbled out line of gasoline has been left all over the places that the song wants to take us. It's got something that it wants us to see and then, in the places where it feels the time is right, a lit match is thrown down and the scene gets torched. It gets hotter than we can stand and we have to retreat some, back behind some cover, back to a safe distance, though we aren't about to take our eyes or ears off of what's happening with all that gasoline and fire. We want to see what's going to happen next and we want to see how damned hot the flames can get before we have to move back some more. It doesn't appear that the fire itself is what's been planned for the song, however. We think that singer/keyboardist Yuki Chikudate and guitarist/singer James Hanna have grander ideas. It's a song that sounds as if the idea is to take control of all lights, everything that produces or plays with light. It's like there's a hustle going on, a reclamation of or a heist of the sun, the moon, all of the chandeliers, all of the disco balls and mirrors, all of the flashlights and ocean surfaces, all of the campfires and candles. It's taking everything and throwing it into a bottomless sack. It's being done with no intention of using the light elsewhere. It's just a desire to control all of the light and to get it before anyone's wise to it. Chikudate and Hanna are good pursuers and users of light and we think that's why they want it. They find a way to make darkness into light, with Chikudate's cooing vocals, tucked into the swells of sound like wonderful little treasures. You can immediately understand the kinds of things that she can do with bits of moonlight or ribbons of sun, broken glass reflections of the tales that are sneaking out of the black abyss.    

Asobi Seksu's Debut Daytrotter Session
Asobi Seksu Official Site

Edited on [(Tue) Sep/27th/2011]


【本日の/Today's BGM selection】


★You Can Be A Wesley / "Talking Science" (MV)
has been featured on Spinner.com!!!

Download Talking Science 7" b-side "Old in Florida"
for FREE on YCBAW bandcamp!

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