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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Un): Translation/独自翻訳:「#LittleGold; Debut @Daytrotter Session on Feb2011 "A League Of Daydreamers" (「デイドリーマー達のリーグ戦。」)」

   Last night (Friday midnight of October 14th), it was heavy raining but I decided to head up to couple places for several music. Well, several kinds of, several genres of music. One venue in the midnight time in Allston, at new house venue called Halfway House, I saw two Brooklyn bands called "Little Gold" and "ABADABAD" touring over to Boston with two of my friends as well as my favorite Boston bands "Mutual Benefit" and "Streight Angular" up there. I found myself how much I love underground but I have to get more much major music in the world as well. It wouldn't be like... intentionally "hates" if I have hated these majoring music without notice, that I hope. That realization was one because of this band from Brooklyn, NY, Little Gold. Here the thing I found themselves afterwards. Cause I missed a chance to grab their vinyls in person from them after the sweet but really rocked sounds of their performance in the long squared space basement.

The FLyerrrr!!
(The Pockets, Boston band? had canceled..?)

My Live Review:

but some Pics!!



4件のハシゴの予定が、時間的にもそのずぶ濡れ的にも3件に減り、しかも一件目のフェスは予想通りのソールドアウト。二件目、三件目とハシゴしたその最後三件目のハウス・ベースメントショウにて出会ったブルックリンのスリーピースバンドが今回のLittle Goldでした。いい名前ですね。


★Little Gold / "Half The Time" live
(29.10.10 - @freego milano, italia)



Mutual Benefit (ミューチュアル・ベネフィット)

Streight Angular (ストレイト・アンギュラー)


ABADABAD (アバダバッド?)


Little Goldのヴァイナル入手しそびれた腹いせに(?)、


Little Gold - Debut Daytrotter Session

"A League Of Daydreamers"
 (the 直訳!)
Session Released Feb 12, 2011

Words by Sean Moeller
Illustration by Johnnie Cluney
Recording engineered by Mike Gentry
Japanese Translation by @Kennyy_MELTRICK
  1. Welcome to Daytrotter from Little Gold
  2. "Half The Time" / "Kids Got Heart" / "Sym..."
  3. "Birds Eye"
*M-1."Half The Time" is from their latest and second album "Weird Freedom" (2011) and also from Split 7" with Ancient Sky (2010)
M-1."Kids Got Heart" is from "Weird Freedom"
M-1."Sym..." is probably unreleased.
M-2."Birds Eye" is from "Weirdo Freedom"
"Sym..."は恐らく未発表でそれ以外の楽曲は今年8月にリリースされた最新でセカンドアルバム「Weirdo Freedom」収録です。

独自ホンニャク/My translation in Jpns:

ブルックリンのバンド、リトル・ゴールド(Little Gold)はスリーピースのバンドで、その存在を我々に疑わせつつも正体不明な -- 正にあの胴体をすり抜けるタイプの -- 存在として気配を感じさせ、くすぐらせてくるようなあの手のゴーストが出てくる映画を連想させる様な楽曲を書くバンドである。気取らずに聴ける自然と心に入ってくる、そんな音楽である。スーっと入ってくるのである。(今回のセッション楽曲の一曲)「ハーフ・ザ・タイム」("Half The Time")という曲なんてまさに、このトリオが持つ多くの楽曲群で特にスーっと入ってくる楽曲を選べと言えばこの曲といわんばかりにヒットする楽曲である:例えるなれば、シャープに炸裂するガレージポップが時折頭を突き抜けて夢想する感覚すら覚えるほどで、それは完璧なるまでに自然に巻き起こるのである。それは唯一の救い、みたいなものかも知れない。彼らの楽曲はベッドで多くの時間を費やしているか、もしくはそう夢想しているかの様で、すべて心地よくほんわかしていて、日々の重荷やブルーな物事からは遠く離れていって、彼らのもつ宝物や彼らが放つ一語一句の言葉をリピートするオウム達を想像させてくれる。それは「ハーフ・ザ・タイム」で歌われる「どれが僕のベイビーだい/どれが俺のマネーなんだい/安らげる夜はいったいどれなんだ/そんな時のおよそ半分を掛けて決心したのさ」といったフレーズに表れ、クリスチャン・デ・ローック(Christian De Roeck)とブライアン・マークハム(Brian Markham)とパット・プロデリック(pat Proderick)(または、キリスト・オブ・スモーク(Christ of Smoke)、ハム(Ham)そしてプリミティヴ・マン(Primitive Man =「原始人」の意))達がこの音楽で手にしているものは、思うに、僕らがピクニックバスケットに詰めて、金だけの為のそんな一日の予定を全て吹き飛ばすべきだ、なんて事であろう。もしくは、ダイヤモンドと子供なんて選択幅のことなんて忘れてしまって、好奇心の赴くまま、その特別な日にお天道様も赴くそんな日に経験出来ることをすればいいのさ!なんてことを彼らは言っているのかも知れない。この3人の男たちはデイドリーマーズ(「夢想家たち」)で、あるがままの彼ら自身を受け入れてて、そう身を置く事の重要さを彼らの前作アルバム「オン・ザ・ナイフ」("On The Knife" 2009)ではしばし言及している。エッヂをそぎ落としソフトにし、より健全なソウルである -- じっくりと座り込めるカウチ(Couch「長いす」)での仕事っぷりで培われることみたく。僕らは座り込み、そんな喧噪の中での寂しさに、そっと目を閉じて、何を感じる事が出来るかという事に身を注げるである。

Why does it seem like the easiest thing to lose sight of is what's really important? There are all of those self-help books out there reminding us to not sweat the small things and then get yourself ready to see how much happier you will find yourself. It's a simple thing to do, to just forget that if we have our family, our health, a roof over our heads and food on the table for at least two squares a day, things really aren't ever all that bad. Some of the happiest people in the world have just that or less and some of the unhappiest people in the world have a thousand times more than that. It's all a matter of perspective and when we're forced to take stock in what we need to care about, we get set appropriately. Brooklyn band Little Gold is a three-piece that writes music that passes through us like the movies suggest a ghost would, having us believe that nothing might be happening, but then we feel a warm rush and a tickle as the phantom-like body takes that short cut through our torsos. It's music that affects us without much trying. It just does. A song like "Half The Time," is a hit song if there ever was one and it opens up to us the way many of the trio's songs do: as examples of sharp bursts of garage pop that remind us that dreaming or getting out of our minds sometimes is a perfectly acceptable thing to do. It might even be our lone salvation. They spend a lot of their time in bed, or imaging themselves in a bed, all cozy and insulated, far away from the heavier burdens, the heavier blues, left to imagine their treasures and the parrots that repeat their every word. It's sung on "Half The Time, "Which was my baby/Which was my money/Which one do I feel like saving tonight/I've got a mind to decide almost half of the time," and we think that what Christian De Roeck, Brian Markham and pat Proderick (or Christ of Smoke, Ham and Primitive Man) are getting at is that we should just pack a picnic basket and blow off all of our plans for the day because it's only money we're working for. Or, they might be saying that there's no need to choose between our diamonds and our children, so forget about it, it's alright to let the mind wander, to just experience what the weather has in store that particular day. These three men are daydreamers, and admit so themselves, and they often refer to the importance of doing so on the band's last album, "On The Knife." It takes the edge off and makes for a softer, more tolerable soul - something that acts as a worked in couch that provides a great sit. We can just sit around with ourselves, those lonely in a crowd, and keep our eyes closed, see what we can feel.

Hope talk to you next time, Little Golds!



Edited [(Sat) Oct/15th/2011]


【本日の/Today's BGM selections】


★あらかじめ決められた恋人たちへ (Ararakajime Kimeraretakoibitotachihe)
/"遠くは" ("To o ku wa" means.. "In(At) the distant place"... like that.)

  *Sorry, no on amazon.com.


★Kings Of Convenience / "24-25"
(Shot and cut by Pavel Ruminov / The Girl is Afina)

                                  ↓ヴァイナル  ↓日本盤


オリジナルは2005年の同タイトル?のDebut EP。


★Alcest / "Le Scecret" (2011 Ver.)


その前後にMetal HC ~ Djentといったその界隈の新ジャンルの

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